2016a Höflmayer, Dee, and Riehl 2019), Tel Kabri (Höflmayer et al. The evidence is not isolated, but is mounting and consistent, with data now available from Tell el-Dabʿa (Kutschera et al. In recent years both the low and the traditional chronologies for the Middle Bronze Age have been challenged based on several radiocarbon sequences, and significantly higher dates have been suggested (Fig. On the other hand, the extensive archaeological evi-dence from Tell el-Daba linked to many different cultures in the eastern Mediterranean and to the Egyptian historical chro-nology provides strong evidence for an absolute chronology shifted by about 120 yr with respect to the 14C dates. 2010) makes it unlikely that theproblem lies in the 14C dates and/or the Egyptian historical chronology. On the one hand, therecently established agreement between 14C dates and dynastic Egypt (Bronk Ramsey et al. In order to foster open discussions on this discrep-ancy, we present here the results of 40 14C accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) measurements on short-lived plant materialassigned to 14 different phases of the Tell el-Daba excavation, spanning 600 yr (about 2000–1400 BC). Despitegreat efforts, the difference of about 120 yr between the chronology based on 14C dates and the one based on archaeologicalevidence linked to the Egyptian historical chronology has not been solved. Radiocarbon dating at the Tell el-Daba site in the Nile Delta has created an enigma for many years.